Costa Rica’s Proposed Airfare Reduction Bill Sparks Budget Concerns for ICT
The bill, which seeks to introduce fiscal incentives for cheaper tickets, could potentially slash the ICT’s budget by $5.1 million.
The bill, which seeks to introduce fiscal incentives for cheaper tickets, could potentially slash the ICT’s budget by $5.1 million.
While the bill introduces several new criminal offenses into the Penal Code, it also proposes sentencing guidelines that are more lenient than the current laws.
A question that could reshape the future of the country’s cherished protected areas: How should financial support be distributed to maintain and enhance these natural treasures?
During the Full Court’s review, it became apparent that the proposed database clashes with core principles of the Costa Rican juvenile justice system.
Navigating the turbulent waters of betrayal, INCOPESCA once again unveils its mystifying disdain for the guardians of Costa Rica’s vibrant seas