Like most people, I’m finding hope hard to sustain. If you’re not grappling with hope and hopelessness, you’re either a dead conduit who has given up on humanity, or you’re…
Talking ‘bout my generation, the consensus has come to this: “But how about just giving up? Giving up or giving over. To what?”
Over the last 30 years, philosophers of science, pundits and New Age devotees have blurred and muddied the differences between humans and nature. The gambit has been to eliminate the…
This insight seized me in the shower this morning: Homo sapiens is an experiment in consciousness that is failing. Why are we failing, and can we stop?
Are you a Hobbesian or a Rousseauian? Most people’s core worldview falls into one philosophical camp or the other, which usually determines where we fall on the political spectrum.
Just after I take my seat for a meditation at the place with a long view downstream, a young, scruffy, unhappy-looking young man charges into the site. It’s an unseasonably…
Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” A corollary of this truth is that we cannot look to the same…
A friend and I, with others in town, are inquiring into the future of humankind. I take the view that “no teacher, however illumined, has changed the basic course of…