World News – Most parents that have a child with down syndrome say that they could not love that child more than they already do……but what if there was the…
health news
Costa Rica News – Having a complete set of healthy teeth gives each and every one of us the confidence needed to deal with other people in our everyday lives.…
World News – When something like this happens you have to say it is a miracle. A pregnant teacher in Texas collapsed, her coworkers rushed to help. The woman technically…
The symptoms of the new SARS-like coronavirus are a serious cough, a shortness of breath and a rise in temperature. Unfortunately, this sounds like the average common cold. It’s the bit that…
Health News – Hey young smokers, here’s your mulligan: People who quit smoking by age 44 tend to live nearly as long as those who never smoked, according to a…
I you look into the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamaccare, you will notice one major thing missing in the plan……Dental Care. This according to those who passed the…
Heath News – Remember the Sars virus? it is back and can now be transmitted person to person. A third patient in Britain has contracted a new SARS-like virus, becoming the second confirmed…
Natasha Harris, who died three years ago after a cardiac arrest, drank up to 10 litres of the fizzy drink each day. This is twice the recommended safe limit of caffeine…