Embarking on an Enlightening Odyssey: A Heartwarming Journey with Dad in the Enchanting Realms of Costa Rica
When ordinary journeys transmute into extraordinary odysseys, life unfolds in the most unexpected pages of experiences and realizations.
When ordinary journeys transmute into extraordinary odysseys, life unfolds in the most unexpected pages of experiences and realizations.
After spreading plastic and pads to ward off the dampness, a flock of robins greet me as I take my seat amidst the wet leaves. They land close by, and…
At the end of a rainy, chilly and breezy day, the sky to the west begins to clear. The lightest rain I’ve ever seen begins falling in the slanting sunlight.…
Even with the late rains this year, the mountain reservoir is surprisingly full, fuller than I’ve ever seen it. Public access down at the lake is closed today, so we…
Perhaps in part because I haven’t had children, I recoil when I hear a parent say something like, “kids questions reflect that time between innocence and experience.”
When I was a young man, an elderly friend uttered a quip that stuck: It’s not that the devil is smarter than everyone else; it’s that it has so much…
After a light all-night rain, the clouds cleared and the sun made a welcome appearance in the early afternoon. People got outside and into the parkland in droves, including me.…