Costa Rica News – Around Catalina Island in the north Pacific region of Costa Rica, divers can find huge schools of tropical fish, octopi, manta rays, and sharks. Now, it’s no…
costa rica
Before I get into my short lived “relationship” with a Costa Rica working girl, I wanted to go into thoughts I had before attempting to erase my ex by getting…
Costa Rica Picture of the Day – Each day the Costa Rican Times will be including a picture from around Costa Rica to see the natural beauty and amazing things…
Costa Rica Entertainment News – Jay-Z and Beyoncé had a short vacation to Costa Rica last week. Costa Rica seems to be the new place for celebrities to get some rest…
Costa Rica News – The mayor of a Costa Rican town must have a nose like Pinocchio after a fib he told about a Disney theme park opening in the Central…
Costa Rica News & Events – For anyone that is into contact sports you have a great chance to experience both in Cost Rica this weekend. This weekend in Costa…
Costa Rica News – Just Cause 3 looks to be in the research phase over at Avalanche Studios, as the team has recently taken a trip to Costa Rica to, “research…
Costa Rica News – The mayor of Liberia, Luis Gerardo Castañeda,opened a huge can of worms this morning when he stated that Disney would be building the their first theme…