Costa Rica Shipping – Correos de Costa Rica has enabled a system of smart lockers meant to reduce the delivery of purchases made online.
costa rica shipping
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Costa Rica Receives Donation Of 60 Hybrid And Electric Vehicles From Japan
by Admin 2018/03/21Costa Rica News – The Government of Japan made a donation of 60 hybrid and electric vehicles to the Government of Costa Rica, which allows continuing strengthening actions of 13 public…
Costa Rica News – The Port Administration and Economic Development Board of the Atlantic Coast (Japdeva) hopes to extend the terminal at the Hernán Garrón pier or Alemán pier.
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Limon Port: Diversifying To Survive In Face Of Competition
by Admin 2018/03/01Costa Rica News – The Administración Portuaria y de Desarrollo Económico de la Vertiente Atlántica (Japdeva), operator of the port of Limon in Costa Rica, is seeking to diversify its business…
Costa Rica News – The laws regarding electric cars are not clear or being enforced, it seems, as 22 cars are stuck in Customs waiting on clarification.
Costa Rica News – On August 29th we all saw the arrival of two Post-Panamax cranes to the port of Moín, Limón.
Costa Rica News – Banana exports from Costa Rica will close this year with record sales. This is both in volume and revenue.
Costa Rica News – Deputies have approved a law to exempt electric cars from taxes.