Living in Costa Rica – In order to become a temporary or permanent resident here, it is necessary to first register with the CCSS (Social Security System) or ‘Caja’ as…
costa rica residency
Living in Costa Rica – Many people grow tired of the corporate grind in the USA or are looking for a break after graduating college and set their sights on…
Costa Rica News – Are you sick of having to leave Costa Rica every 90 days? There are a few categories you in which you can apply for legal residency.…
Costa Rica News – There are many people that are thinking about applying for Costa Rican residency. Getting residency can make life in Costa Rica a little more easy to…
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Costa Rica Group Arrested For Making False Documents Including Work Permits for $90
Costa Rica News – As I said before for the right amount of money in Costa Rica pretty much anything is possible. You can get around most laws that are…
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Costa Rica Marriages for Convenience on the Decline, But Can Still Be Done
Costa Rica News – Legislation was put into effect 2006 and reviewed and re-established in 2009 to try to prevent marriages of convenience in Costa Rica. These laws have worked…
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Costa Rica Immigration Postpones Collection of Fines From Illegal Aliens
Costa Rica News – Good news for those that employee people whom are not hear illegally or people that are behind on leaving the country for their tourist VISA renewal. This continues…
Costa Rica News – Well it seems that the Costa Rica background check has a little loophole that is allowing US citizens to become Costa Rican citizens with criminal backgrounds.…