Tico Tales is a bi-lingual musical adaptation of traditional Costa Rican folk tales. The creative team, Michael Sgouros and Brenda Bell, who have written 8 original musicals together, and Director Darren Lee Cole, chose…
costa rica news
Costa Rica News – Although the Costa Rican government wants to keep it quiet, crimes are being committed in order to meet basic needs in life for the thieves. More…
Costa Rica News – Well just in time for Christmas at least one company in Costa Rica will have the iPhone for sale with it plans before Christmas Day. Who…
Costa Rica News – I had mentioned in a previous article that Brainwave had now set up shop in Costa Rica. I am currently going through the process and have…
There are about a million programs that claim to be the best way to learn a foreign language. You may have seen ads on TV, heard radio announcements, or heard…
Imagine what it would be like to see a turtle that is the same size as you! If you are about5 feettall, this is completely possible inCosta Rica. Many tourists…
Costa Rica News – As we approach the Christmas holidays and the official start of high season, when the tourists start flocking to the beaches in Costa Rica, Playa Jaco…
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Costa Rica INS will Auction Household Appliances for Public Friday December 14th
Costa Rica News – Hmmmmm???? A government entity offering to auction off household appliances for the public. I wonder what their take is on the sales or how they are…