Former President of the Republic, José María Figueres Olsen will present his “country plan” next Monday in Park InBio facilities, confirmed this afternoon, his press secretary Jose Pena Namoyure. The…
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The Spanish group Laura de Los Angeles Flamenco Piano come to the country to present a spectacle of WAlley , this August 11.
If Members believe that the President is corrupt or inept, they can open a political trial and depose her. That is the proposal made by two citizens through a bill that…
Back in October, an article appeared in The Wall Street Journal with the headline “Why Companies Aren’t Getting the Employees They Need.” It noted that even with millions of highly educated and highly…
Seems that although Costa Rica wants to implement a lot of laws that are already in effect in the USA, the freedom of information act is being debated in congress…
The Social Security Fund (CCSS) and the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) seem determined to take the bull by the horns and solve the problem posed by the excessive increases…
Between the third quarter of 2010 and the first of 2012 unemployment rose even though the economy added more jobs, according to the new Continuing Employment Survey released this morning…
PHOENIX (AP) — Investigators for an Arizona sheriff’s volunteer posse say President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is definitely fraudulent. Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s posse said in March that…