Costa Rica News – When the Costa Rican government makes laws I guess people can decide which ones they want to follow and which ones the government will actually enforce. We all…
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Do you ever really think about what you do during sex? If you were not having sex with the person do you think that the things that were happening and…
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Costa Rica Conavi Director: ‘I Hope to God that all Measures Work’ To Fix Bridge
Costa Rica News – I am not telling anyone to not believe in God or to believe in God but I do not think that the director in charge of…
UncategorizedWorld News
Evicted Attorney Vandalizes Office with Penis Drawings and Poop Smearing
by Admin 2012/11/08Well if you a District Attorney and you are evicted from your office for not paying rent you can either pack up and go quietly or do what this guy…
I was thinking today what is the point of it all. Do the election results in the USA really matter? What if love between a man & a woman does not really exist?…
Costa Rica News – Well the reason there might be so many accidents could be for a couple of reasons in Costa Rica. Perhaps, it is is because driver’s education…
A privately funded campaign is has narrowed in on a tool for helping men to gauge their obesity. When standing upright, can they see their penis?
Costa Rica NewsUncategorized
Costa Rica Government Proposes Two-Day Holiday of Schools For Damaged Road
Costa Rica News – Well on the hierarchy of importance to the Costa Rican government, children and education obviously rank very low on that list. This is such a stupid…