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Editor in Chief  Dan has been in Costa Rica since 2000. His goal is to help clean up Costa Rica and push the government to actually start thinking. His hobbies are writing, playing guitar, watching movies, and doing anything that deals with the beach. E-mail:dan [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
Costa Rica Entertainment- Hazel Diaz is a native Costa Rican that has grown up with the joy of her mother’s cooking, and always liked spending time with her in the kitchen of her mom’s restaurant experiencing the different flavors on her palate. She takes her job very seriously writing about different restaurants, and other forms of entertainment in Costa Rica. .E-mail:info [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
martin lefevre Meditations  Martin LeFevre seeks a balance between the contemplative, philosophical and political aspects of his nature and human nature. Martin feels strongly that people can think together, wherever they live and whatever their background. Contact him at lefevremartin77 (at) gmail.com .
Horoscopes, Travel & Leisure Lou Cheek, our astrologer-in-residence, has been casting charts and providing esoteric advice for over 40 years. As part of his experience in these matters, he has also conducted paranormal investigations, written about mysterious and haunted locations, and given talks on these topics. He also has written travel articles and does other freelance work. If you have questions for Lou, or you’d like him to do a chart for you, please contact him here at Costa Rica News by filling out the form below or by sending him a personal email. E-mail: info [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
Andrew Woodbury Contributing Writer Andrew Woodbury – Originally from Toronto, Canada, Woodbury is the academic director of Global TESOL College Costa Rica (http://globaltesolcostarica.com/), a contributor to radio program This Week in Costa Rica (http://thisweekincostarica.com/), and an independent writer based in Costa Rica.   E-mail:info [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
Kerry La Contributing Writer Isabella Foster Villanueva moved to Costa Rica from New York two years ago. She chose Costa Rica because of the friendliness of the people here and the beautiful nature. She enjoys going to Puerto Viejo some weekends, spending time with her Costa Rican family, and hanging out at the mall and on Calle de la Amargura with friends. She tries to practice Spanish. She enjoys writing about the restaurants, beaches, and festivals of Costa Rica to share her experiences and the beauty of the culture with you.  E-mail: isabella [at] costaricantimes.com
Contributing Writer Stewart Hird is originally from England and raised into a diplomatic family, Stewart has spent a lifetime travelling and working overseas as an international educator in countries as diverse as Costa Rica, Oman, France and Brunei. He is interested in internationalism and raising public awareness in everyday scientific issues. He has returned to Costa Rica after an absence of sixteen years and now lives and works in Escazú where he is engaged to a Tica and is starting his own business in tourism. E-mail:info [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
Contributing Writer Mariana den Hollander is a native Costa Rican artist and published writer. She majored in Fine Arts in The Hague and has resided in the US, Nicaragua, Honduras and Canada. She currently lives in San Jose and recently changed her life to be able to dedicate to painting, writing, promoting musicians and producing music events.
Art page: https://www.facebook.com/madenhoArt
E-mail:info [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
Salamanca Contributing Writer – Leah Hendre – Leah Hendre is an undergraduate student at Oxford University, England, studying Spanish and Linguistics. She has always wanted to visit Costa Rica, and now that she’s here is keen to travel as much as possible, fill endless memory cards with photographs and eat at as many amazing local places as possible. She’s currently based in Jacó, so what better place to start?. E-mail:info [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
Contributing Writer Sarah Corbett Morgan -The Gringuita grew up in Oregon and learned not everything is black and white. Now she lives in the jungles of Costa Rica where the shades of gray cover the full spectrum. She shoots her mouth off on her website (link: http://www.scmorgan.com), on social media sites, and sometimes she gets published. Website Name: A Gringuita in Costa Rica: Expat Reflections From The Free Zone.E-mail:info [at] CostaRicanTimes.com
Contributing Writer Rueben Humphris has travelled extensively across four continents over the last decade and has been a freelancer to the local media in his homeland of Australia for several years. He still holds a special place in his heart for Costa Rica, which he called home over the course of two years. Rueben specializes in alternative adventuring and is constantly seeking new and innovative travel ideas to share with his readers
Contributing Writer Terrance Johnson -Terrance Johnson has traveled extensively throughout Central and South America and has been living and reporting on Costa Rica since 2006. Terrance contributes content to some of the most affluent sites on the web on various subjects including the Costa Rica Real Estate market.
Contributing Writer Deanna Jaxine Stinson -Deanna Jaxine Stinson is an entrepreneur who enjoys investigating and researching the supernatural and unexplained. She is an independent artist with a passion for art, dreams, music, poetry and spirituality.Deanna lives in California with her two dogs and husband Paul Dale Roberts.
Contributing Writer Paul Dale Roberts -Paul Dale Roberts is the co-owner of (HPI International) Halo Paranormal Investigations, along with his co-owner wife Deanna Jaxine Stinson, Psychic.  The HPI website is located at: http://www.cryptic916.com/   Roberts is a seasoned paranormal investigator and paranormal author and has been published in many publications.  Roberts is a weekly columnist for Costa Rica Times.  Roberts has been on several paranormal documentaries as seen on his IMDB page:  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5598153/   For comments about his stories, he can be reached at: jazmaonline at gmail.com.