Different News Categories
I only wonder if Creedence knew about the attempted UFO abduction in Lodi that took place on November 25, 1896 as was reported by Jenny Randles in ‘Alien Contacts and…
Different News Categories
I only wonder if Creedence knew about the attempted UFO abduction in Lodi that took place on November 25, 1896 as was reported by Jenny Randles in ‘Alien Contacts and…
September 20, 2019 Friday / Time to be there: 9pm. Contact Person: Heather. Her son 9 years old is being followed by a little boy ghost (imaginary friend) named Kalep,…
Gabriela Traña represented Costa Rica well finishing 40th in the World Athletics Championship, with a time of 3:19:13. The first place winner was Rut Chepngetich from Kenya. While Traña already…
Starting a new, healthy life without alcohol or drug addiction is not easy. But, it’s important after undergoing treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction. Almost everybody knows the drill when…
In astrology, it is possible to charge your energy by living in certain places, encountering certain people and falling in love. This is because astrologists consider the birthplace of even…
Date to be there: September 21, 2019 / Time to be there: 3pm. Contact Person: Arietta . Address: Penryn, CA – Occupants have lived in this home for 43 years.…
People who experience near-death experiences will at times describe a phenomena that is referred to as “flash before their eyes”. What they are experiencing is the energy recording of their…
Date to be there: September 7, 2019 / Time to be there: 3pm – Occupants/Contact Persons: Gloria Kellett and Torrie Kellett. Case # K503P891M9797 – Subcase: D50C3901T0566 – Address to…