Headlines and current news about Costa Rica
The State of the Nation highlight a troubling trend: widening social gaps and a disturbing rise in violence, undermining the nation’s commitment to human development.
Headlines and current news about Costa Rica
The State of the Nation highlight a troubling trend: widening social gaps and a disturbing rise in violence, undermining the nation’s commitment to human development.
In the sun-drenched stretches of Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula, secrets to longevity aren’t just myths; they’re part of daily life.
Costa Rica’s 2021 induction into the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) marked a significant milestone.
In a world where the conservation of natural resources becomes more imperative by the day, Costa Rica has taken a decisive step forward.
In recent years, Costa Rica has emerged as a premier choice for bachelor parties, eclipsing traditional locales such as Las Vegas and Miami.
As the Paris 2024 Olympics approach, Central America’s modest contingent of over 40 athletes sets its sights on the world stage.
This geological disturbance, centered at a relatively shallow depth of 10 kilometers (approximately 6.21 miles), has prompted swift responses from regional emergency services.
Despite the nation’s image as an ecological haven, many of its citizens grapple with a basic necessity: consistent access to clean water.