The more and more i look at the news around the world, I hope the world is ending December 21st, the entire world is going to hell. Amherst College administrators have…
Divorces are never pretty, but this one is pretty ugly. A man from northern China divorced and sued his wife for being ugly. He won $120,000 in the lawsuit and…
Sometimes referred to as bone augmentation, bone grafting is used to replace bone tissue, which can occur by tooth loss, periodontal disease, cavities or infection, injury or trauma.
UncategorizedWorld News
Hitting the G Spot: Injection to Improve Orgasms LA’s Latest Lunchtime Craze
by Admin 2012/10/24Well for all of those people that want to have great sex on their lunch break or for all those guys that cannot find the elusive G Spot this might…
Costa Rica Dentist Offers 10-Year Replacement Guarantee on All Work
by Admin 2012/10/23SAN JOSE, Costa Rica – October 22, 2012: According to a report from the U.S. Senate, approximately 130 million Americans lack dental insurance coverage, and about twenty five percent of…
When it comes to everyday language there are some phrases and words that make a person not sound very intelligent. The word “mae” would be included in this list in…
These are funny photos taken around Costa Rica, please enjoy a few laughs. Some of the things that happen in Costa Rica Never cease to amaze us at The Costa…
UncategorizedWorld News
Chinese Girl Grows Beard Due To Life-Saving Bone Marrow Treatment
by Admin 2012/10/21For any young girl, her teenage years can often be the hardest time in her life as well as the most memorable and fun. For 16-year old Nana, who recently…