As I see the complete waste of space that is the Costa Rica legal system, I thought it would be fun to look back on the 10 craziest lawsuits in…
USA News – For all of you following the events that are happening in the USA I would put up and red flag and be extremely worried. The department of…
If you come to Costa Rica to retire and learn to speak Spanish there is a good chance that your mind if going to stay sharper as you age, but…
Sniffly, stuffy, sneezy and achy and want someone to blame, just to make yourself feel mildly better? There’s now an app for that.
Sex News – For all of those guys out there that believe its not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean, sorry but it seems that size…
These are some fun conspiracy theories about money and currency in the United States.
Well if you happen to have a disability pretty soon there will be a place where you can get your jollies taken care of. Becky Adams, 44, plans to spend…
Qué fuerte morir así….Despedida a Hugo Chávez de Nancy Iriarte, su ex mujer: “Pasarás a la historia como un traidor y un cobarde”.