Some say that at bus stops in the city it’s impossible to maintain distance, especially the 1.8 meters recommended by sanitary protocols against covid-19. I wonder why not just spread the lines out more, even if it takes up many blocks?
We often see intersections blocked by lines of those waiting for the bus. People have to squeeze through and push others to continue straight through the line. Why not stop the line at one corner and start it again at another? This seems like something reasonable adults should be able to figure out. If not, companies could place caution tape or paint lines to mark out the places to stand.
Part of the problem goes back decades, long before the start of covid. That is that the bus stops are improvised on sidewalks that are already full of pedestrians and stalls selling fruit, lottery tickets, etc. Some have asked for each company to make a terminal, but they may not realize just how many bus companies run in the city. Where would they put 250 bus terminals in an already overcrowded city? This would cause chaos. An alternative plan is to make a few mega terminals that are used by multiple companies and connect with train stations. It’s still just a proposal though.
In the meantime, the least we can do is wear a mask properly. While they don’t protect 100%, they work much better if everyone wears them, because then there are two masks between an infected person and a healthy person. Health authorities reiterate that a mask worn on your chin, as cool as that looks, or with your nose out doesn’t protect you or anyone else around you anymore than if you weren’t wearing a mask at all. Some people have no choice but to use public transportation to get to work and provide for their families and they fear getting covid because it would mean weeks out of work with no way to buy food. Please abide by the sanitary measure by wearing a mask properly for their safety.