Costa Rica Entertainment – “Mamita Yunai,” an adaptation of the book by Carlos Luis Fallas, arrives at Espressivo Theater on August 10. It was made by playwright Denise Duncan and features and exceptional national cast.
The work pays homage to the 77-year-old legend of Costa Rican literature by accurately portraying the desperate cry of marginalized populations. Many have been waiting to see the story since it was announced at the beginning of this year.
It is about the experience of workers on the Atlantic coast. In it, the characters move from the past to the present. The story that many lived at the beginning of the last century was terrible. The invisible chains were seen in a community that lived the misfortunes of working and suffering for the United Fruit Company.
The novel and now the play interpret the sorrow for lost lives and many injuries. The actors have become interested in the need to understand and tell this story in the adaptation that shows not only the deplorable conditions but also the fellowship and sense of empathy and community among the group.
Tickets can be purchased at, at the theater ticket office or by calling 2267-1818.