Costa Rica News – Well this is seen day in and day out in Costa Rica both in day to day life and in regards to the legal system. Meetings are cancelled due to people not showing up (most of the time not for good reasons), getting things done are delayed or impeded because one of the parties involved doe not come, or a court case must be rescheduled because someone involved is not present.
In the USA if their is a scheduled legal appointment and someone does not show up, the party that does show up usually gets what they want as there is not an opposing party. In Costa Rica, their is no accountability for this, all that happens is the responsible person that does show up finds out they wasted another day and that they will have to do the same thing again at a later date. This needs to be fixed as it is rude and unprofessional to allow this to happen.
Legislative research on the construction of the 1856 border trail was suspended this afternoon because four deputies were not present for the session, preventing a quorum to do the Supervisory Board of Public Expenditure.
For today those summoned to appear were the former Minister of Environment and current president of ICE, Teofilo de la Torre, and the Deputy Minister of Environment, Ana Lorena Guevara.
Those summoned were present, but the deputies, Alicia Fournier and Mary Ocampo, the PLN, Martin Monestel, the GO, and Manrique Oviedo, PAC did not show up. Therefor completely wasting the time of those who were summ0ned. Do you know what the consequences will be for those that did not show up…….that’s right……nothing.
Time to change accountability in Costa Rica both in everyday life, the government, and the legal system.
1 comment
A toothless tiger.. Only IF you can hold their pay checks and fine them or prison time could you have them “”see the light””. Something very wrong with the legal system. Hey I would not show up as well. It only going to be a dog and pony show. No accountability what so ever.