Rates for users of the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA) will rise on average by 25%.
The adjustment was approved by the Regulatory Authority of Public Services and released a statement this afternoon. Also the sewer fees will increase on average by 77%.
“A family that consumes 20m3 per month, will pay ¢ 5,868 more for the service of water supply and sewerage (pass ¢ ¢ 7 757 13 625). Sewage is the recipient of a further increase, given the urgency of the investment fund that has not been in 30 years, “said Aresep.
It is a stepwise adjustment, ie as higher consumption, the greater the increase established. This with the idea of promoting the rational use of the liquid.
Water and Sewer has 500,000 subscribers.